← geoffreybuell.com

The 100 Days Of Code Challenge

Status: Completed

My #100DaysOfCode

  1. RGB Loading Screen
  2. Loading Bar
  3. Collapsible
  4. Filter/Search Bar
  5. Rotating Cubes
  6. A Literal Hamburger Menu
  7. Dislike Button
  8. CSS Art 01 Untitled
  9. Image Gallery
  10. Theme Selector
  11. Ruby Heist Game
  12. Ruby Heist Game
  13. CSS Art 02 Bubbles
  14. CSS Art 03 Untitled
  15. Ruby Heist Game
  16. 404 Pizza
  17. Custom Basketball Cursor
  18. Header and Navbar (React)
  19. Counter Components (React)
  20. Random Color Generator
  21. Word Counter (React)
  22. Filter/Search Bar Rebuild (React)
  23. Button Reveal (React)
  24. Contact Form (React)
  25. CSS Art 04 Glowing Text
  26. Simon Game
  27. Simon Game
  28. Simon Game
  29. CSS Art 05 Black Cat
  30. Simon Game
  31. Simon Game
  32. Simon Game (debugging)
  33. Magic 8-Ball
  34. Magic 8-Ball
  35. Magic 8-Ball
  36. Magic 8-Ball
  37. Meal Picker
  38. Meal Picker
  39. Light Bright App
  40. Tic-tac-toe
  41. Tic-tac-toe (1 or 2 Player)
  42. Connect 4
  43. Connect 4
  44. Connect 4
  45. Connect 4
  46. CSS Art 06 Earth Day
  47. FCC - Data Visualization >>> Data Visualization with D3
  48. FCC - Data Visualization >>> JSON APIs and AJAX
  49. FCC - Data Visualization Projects >>> US GDP Bar Chart
  50. FCC - Data Visualization Projects >>> US GDP Bar Chart
  51. FCC - Data Visualization Projects >>> US GDP Bar Chart
  52. FCC - Data Visualization Projects >>> Doping in Cycling Scatter Plot
  53. FCC - Data Visualization Projects >>> Doping in Cycling Scatter Plot
  54. FCC - Data Visualization Projects >>> Global Land-Surface Temperature Heat Map
  55. FCC - Data Visualization Projects >>> Global Land-Surface Temperature Heat Map
  56. FCC - Data Visualization Projects >>> Global Land-Surface Temperature Heat Map
  57. FCC - Data Visualization Projects >>> US Educational Attainment Choropleth Map
  58. FCC - Data Visualization Projects >>> US Educational Attainment Choropleth Map
  59. FCC - Data Visualization Projects >>> Top Video Game Sales Tree Map
  60. FCC - Data Visualization Projects >>> Top Video Game Sales Tree Map
  61. Flipbox Fun
  62. Typing Effect
  63. CSS Art 07 Portrait of a Young Robot
  64. Freelance Client Work
  65. Freelance Client Work
  66. FCC - APIs and Microservices >>> Managing Packages with NPM
  67. FCC - APIs and Microservices >>> Managing Packages with NPM & Basic Node and Express
  68. Freelance Client Work
  69. FCC - APIs and Microservices >>> Basic Node and Express
  70. FCC - APIs and Microservices >>> Basic Node and Express
  71. Freelance Client Work
  72. Freelance Client Work
  73. Freelance Client Work
  74. FCC - APIs and Microservices >>> Basic Node and Express
  75. FCC - APIs and Microservices >>> Managing Packages with NPM & Basic Node and Express (review)
  76. FCC - APIs and Microservices >>> MongoDB and Mongoose
  77. FCC - APIs and Microservices >>> MongoDB and Mongoose
  78. FCC - APIs and Microservices >>> MongoDB and Mongoose
  79. FCC - APIs and Microservices Projects >>> Timestamp Microservice
  80. FCC - APIs and Microservices Projects >>> Request Header Parser Microservice
  81. FCC - APIs and Microservices Projects >>> URL Shortener Microservice
  82. FCC - APIs and Microservices Projects >>> URL Shortener Microservice
  83. FCC - APIs and Microservices Projects >>> Exercise Tracker
  84. FCC - APIs and Microservices Projects >>> Exercise Tracker
  85. FCC - APIs and Microservices Projects >>> Exercise Tracker
  86. FCC - APIs and Microservices Projects >>> Exercise Tracker
  87. FCC - APIs and Microservices Projects >>> Exercise Tracker
  88. FCC - APIs and Microservices Projects >>> File Metadata Microservice
  89. Ecommerce Shop Mockup
  90. Ecommerce Shop Mockup
  91. Game Development with Kaboom.js
  92. Game Development with Kaboom.js
  93. Game Development with Kaboom.js
  94. Game Development with Kaboom.js
  95. Game Development with Kaboom.js
  96. Dad Jokes Generator
  97. Dad Jokes Generator
  98. Dad Jokes Generator
  99. Virtual Keyboard
  100. Virtual Keyboard

There are two main rules:

  1. Code a minimum of one hour every day for the next 100 days.
  2. Tweet your progress every day with the #100DaysOfCode hashtag.

I am keeping a Twitter thread of my progress if you are interested.

Bonus goals that I have set for myself include: